Please repost with full credit
2010-12-27 @ 11:18pm @mystyle1103
@Sj861117sj 당신의 생명을 대신해,보여주시는 마지막 가르침!!사람은 소중한 누군가와도 언젠가는 이별을해야 한다는!!! 좋은곳에서 편히 쉬시길...
@mystyle1103 @Sj861117sj On behalf of your life, the last teachings given to you!! People will always have to part with their beloved ones some time in life!!! May she rest in peace in a good place...
2010-12-27 @ 10:42pm
@Sj861117sj 이긍..좋은곳에가셨을거야~^^힘내라!!화이팅~~~~
@Sj861117sj Eegeung.. She has gone to a good place~^^ Cheer up!! Hwaiting~~~~
*in reply to
2010-12-27 @ 10:06pm
사랑하는 외할머니께서 오늘..지금.. 하늘나라에 가셨습니다.. 거기선 아프지 않고 편안하시길.. 같이 기도해주세요...
My dear grandmother, went to paradise.. please pray with me.. that she will not feel pain and be in peace over there...
2010-12-27 @ 8:16pm
쑥쑥 자라고 있슴닷!
Is growing bigger & bigger!

2010-12-27 @ 5:05pm
@HyungJun87 길가다 너 봤어 !! ㅎㅎ
@HyungJun87 Saw you on the road !! heehee

2010-12-27 @ 11:18pm @mystyle1103
@Sj861117sj 당신의 생명을 대신해,보여주시는 마지막 가르침!!사람은 소중한 누군가와도 언젠가는 이별을해야 한다는!!! 좋은곳에서 편히 쉬시길...
@mystyle1103 @Sj861117sj On behalf of your life, the last teachings given to you!! People will always have to part with their beloved ones some time in life!!! May she rest in peace in a good place...
2010-12-27 @ 10:42pm
@Sj861117sj 이긍..좋은곳에가셨을거야~^^힘내라!!화이팅~~~~
@Sj861117sj Eegeung.. She has gone to a good place~^^ Cheer up!! Hwaiting~~~~
*in reply to
2010-12-27 @ 10:06pm
사랑하는 외할머니께서 오늘..지금.. 하늘나라에 가셨습니다.. 거기선 아프지 않고 편안하시길.. 같이 기도해주세요...
My dear grandmother, went to paradise.. please pray with me.. that she will not feel pain and be in peace over there...
2010-12-27 @ 8:16pm
쑥쑥 자라고 있슴닷!
Is growing bigger & bigger!

2010-12-27 @ 5:05pm
@HyungJun87 길가다 너 봤어 !! ㅎㅎ
@HyungJun87 Saw you on the road !! heehee

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