Please repost with full credit
2010-12-28 @ 6:16pm
김형준,김기범 CEO 출동 후레쉬맨!ㅋㅋ
Kim HyungJun, Kim KiBum CEO move Flashman!keke

2010-12-28 @ 5:28pm
@mystyle1103 오빠 혜림언니가 언니찾아서 팔로우하라고 하셨어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Oppa, HyeRim unnie asked you to find her and follow her kekekekekeke
2010-12-28 @ 4:58pm
@2kjdream 안되~~ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream No way~~keke
2010-12-28 @ 4:35pm
@HyungJun87 대박기원!!!!^^
@HyungJun87 Wishing for huge success!!!!^^
2010-12-28 @ 3:52pm
"@dummysama: 피로피로 피로피로 피로피로 많이 사랑해 달라네요~ ㅎㅎ 김형준김기범 형제의 ceo도전기인터뷰 인기가요매거진 1월호에 실립니다~ 기대해 주세요~"
"@dummysama: Asking for your love for Piropiro Piropiro Piropiro~ heehee Interview with Kim HyungJun Kim KiBum brother on their challenge to become CEO will be published in Inkigayo Magazine January issue~ Please look forward to it~"

2010-12-28 @ 2:53pm
RT @dummysama: 곧 부동산 tv에서 인터뷰 요청쇄도할듯하다며... 참 사이좋은 형제... ㅋㅋㅋ 그나저나 피로피로 짱귀엽네~
RT @dummysama: Seems like they will soon be flooded with requests for interviews in real estate TV... well, the brother’s relationship is really good... kekeke by the way Piropiro is extremely adorable~

2010-12-28 @ 2:53pm
RT @dummysama: 피로피로 피로피로 피로피로 많이 사랑해 달라네요~ ㅎㅎ 김형준김기범 형제의 ceo도전기인터뷰 인기가요매거진 1월호에 실립니다~ 기대해 주세요~
RT @dummysama: Asking for your love for Piropiro Piropiro Piropiro~ heehee Interview with Kim HyungJun Kim KiBum brother on their challenge to become CEO will be published in Inkigayo Magazine January issue~ Please look forward to it~

2010-12-28 @ 2:06pm
곧 부동산 tv에서 인터뷰 요청쇄도할듯하다며... 참 사이좋은 형제... ㅋㅋㅋ 그나저나 피로피로 짱귀엽네~
Seems like they will soon be flooded with requests for interviews in real estate TV... well, the brother’s relationship is really good... kekeke by the way Piropiro is extremely adorable~

2010-12-28 @ 1:55pm
피로피로 피로피로 피로피로 많이 사랑해 달라네요~ ㅎㅎ 김형준김기범 형제의 ceo도전기인터뷰 인기가요매거진 1월호에 실립니다~ 기대해 주세요~
Asking for your love for Piropiro Piropiro Piropiro~ heehee Interview with Kim HyungJun Kim KiBum brother on their challenge to become CEO will be published in Inkigayo Magazine January issue~ Please look forward to it~

2010-12-28 @ 1:50pm
인기가요매거진 준대표범대표 촬영중입니당~
Representative Jun, Representative Bum in the midst of shooting for inkigayo magazine~

2010-12-28 @ 1:33pm
@woongcha1 형 조카 제가뺏어갈래요오오!!!!! ㅎㅎ 눈오는데 운전조심하소~~~!!!!!!^^ 우잉?!
@woongcha1 Hyung, I will take away nephew from youuu!!!!! Heehee Please be extremely careful because it is snowing!!!!^^ ooing?!
2010-12-28 @ 1:29pm

*MiniUFO: Awwww.... so cute~~~ both the uncle & nephew ^o^
2010-12-28 @ 12:19pm
″PiroPiro″ launching on @90kkb's B-day 12/29~! 화이팅!!♥^-^)b RT @HyungJun87: 12월 29일 오픈 기대해주세요^^
″PiroPiro″ launching on @90kkb's B-day 12/29~! Hwaiting!!♥^-^)b RT @HyungJun87: Opens on 29-Dec, please look forward to it^^
2010-12-28 @ 11:42am 12월 29일 오픈 기대해주세요^^ Opens on 29-Dec, please look forward to it^^
2010-12-28 @ 3:53am
눈 내리는 새벽...어느새 낭만보다는 현실이 되어버린 삶... "길 미끄럽겠구만!아씨~"라며 투덜대지만 퇴근길 바라보는 눈은 아름답군!!^^ 눈길,감기 조심!
Snowing in early morning...before we knew it, rather than romantic, this is the reality in life... “The road is so slippery! Curse~” though we have such grumbles, the snow we see on our way home from work is beautiful!!^^ Be careful on snowy road, and of flu!

2010-12-28 @ 12:22am
@Hyejin0813 정중히 사양합니다
@Hyejin0813 I courteously decline
2010-12-28 @ 12:09am
@HyungJun87 너의 " I am" 파트너로 해주께.
@HyungJun87 I will be your partner for your ‘I am’.
2010-12-28 @ 12:08am
@Hyejin0813 나 기절할뻔했다,
@Hyejin0813 I almost fainted,
*in reply to
2010-12-27 @ 11:46pm
우리 아이디묘에 새로 들어온 여자멤버(미모에 레전드여신급) New female member in IDMyo (Legendary goodness equivalent among aunties)

2010-12-28 @ 6:16pm
김형준,김기범 CEO 출동 후레쉬맨!ㅋㅋ
Kim HyungJun, Kim KiBum CEO move Flashman!keke

2010-12-28 @ 5:28pm
@mystyle1103 오빠 혜림언니가 언니찾아서 팔로우하라고 하셨어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 Oppa, HyeRim unnie asked you to find her and follow her kekekekekeke
2010-12-28 @ 4:58pm
@2kjdream 안되~~ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream No way~~keke
2010-12-28 @ 4:35pm
@HyungJun87 대박기원!!!!^^
@HyungJun87 Wishing for huge success!!!!^^
2010-12-28 @ 3:52pm
"@dummysama: 피로피로 피로피로 피로피로 많이 사랑해 달라네요~ ㅎㅎ 김형준김기범 형제의 ceo도전기인터뷰 인기가요매거진 1월호에 실립니다~ 기대해 주세요~"
"@dummysama: Asking for your love for Piropiro Piropiro Piropiro~ heehee Interview with Kim HyungJun Kim KiBum brother on their challenge to become CEO will be published in Inkigayo Magazine January issue~ Please look forward to it~"

2010-12-28 @ 2:53pm
RT @dummysama: 곧 부동산 tv에서 인터뷰 요청쇄도할듯하다며... 참 사이좋은 형제... ㅋㅋㅋ 그나저나 피로피로 짱귀엽네~
RT @dummysama: Seems like they will soon be flooded with requests for interviews in real estate TV... well, the brother’s relationship is really good... kekeke by the way Piropiro is extremely adorable~

2010-12-28 @ 2:53pm
RT @dummysama: 피로피로 피로피로 피로피로 많이 사랑해 달라네요~ ㅎㅎ 김형준김기범 형제의 ceo도전기인터뷰 인기가요매거진 1월호에 실립니다~ 기대해 주세요~
RT @dummysama: Asking for your love for Piropiro Piropiro Piropiro~ heehee Interview with Kim HyungJun Kim KiBum brother on their challenge to become CEO will be published in Inkigayo Magazine January issue~ Please look forward to it~

2010-12-28 @ 2:06pm
곧 부동산 tv에서 인터뷰 요청쇄도할듯하다며... 참 사이좋은 형제... ㅋㅋㅋ 그나저나 피로피로 짱귀엽네~
Seems like they will soon be flooded with requests for interviews in real estate TV... well, the brother’s relationship is really good... kekeke by the way Piropiro is extremely adorable~

2010-12-28 @ 1:55pm
피로피로 피로피로 피로피로 많이 사랑해 달라네요~ ㅎㅎ 김형준김기범 형제의 ceo도전기인터뷰 인기가요매거진 1월호에 실립니다~ 기대해 주세요~
Asking for your love for Piropiro Piropiro Piropiro~ heehee Interview with Kim HyungJun Kim KiBum brother on their challenge to become CEO will be published in Inkigayo Magazine January issue~ Please look forward to it~

2010-12-28 @ 1:50pm
인기가요매거진 준대표범대표 촬영중입니당~
Representative Jun, Representative Bum in the midst of shooting for inkigayo magazine~

2010-12-28 @ 1:33pm
@woongcha1 형 조카 제가뺏어갈래요오오!!!!! ㅎㅎ 눈오는데 운전조심하소~~~!!!!!!^^ 우잉?!
@woongcha1 Hyung, I will take away nephew from youuu!!!!! Heehee Please be extremely careful because it is snowing!!!!^^ ooing?!
2010-12-28 @ 1:29pm
My pretty nephew..^^ Ahppprettyyyyy hee ooing?! Heehee

*MiniUFO: Awwww.... so cute~~~ both the uncle & nephew ^o^
2010-12-28 @ 12:19pm
″PiroPiro″ launching on @90kkb's B-day 12/29~! 화이팅!!♥^-^)b RT @HyungJun87: 12월 29일 오픈 기대해주세요^^
″PiroPiro″ launching on @90kkb's B-day 12/29~! Hwaiting!!♥^-^)b RT @HyungJun87: Opens on 29-Dec, please look forward to it^^
2010-12-28 @ 11:42am 12월 29일 오픈 기대해주세요^^ Opens on 29-Dec, please look forward to it^^
2010-12-28 @ 3:53am
눈 내리는 새벽...어느새 낭만보다는 현실이 되어버린 삶... "길 미끄럽겠구만!아씨~"라며 투덜대지만 퇴근길 바라보는 눈은 아름답군!!^^ 눈길,감기 조심!
Snowing in early morning...before we knew it, rather than romantic, this is the reality in life... “The road is so slippery! Curse~” though we have such grumbles, the snow we see on our way home from work is beautiful!!^^ Be careful on snowy road, and of flu!

2010-12-28 @ 12:22am
@Hyejin0813 정중히 사양합니다
@Hyejin0813 I courteously decline
2010-12-28 @ 12:09am
@HyungJun87 너의 " I am" 파트너로 해주께.
@HyungJun87 I will be your partner for your ‘I am’.
2010-12-28 @ 12:08am
@Hyejin0813 나 기절할뻔했다,
@Hyejin0813 I almost fainted,
*in reply to
2010-12-27 @ 11:46pm
우리 아이디묘에 새로 들어온 여자멤버(미모에 레전드여신급) New female member in IDMyo (Legendary goodness equivalent among aunties)

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