Please repost with full credit
2010-11-09 @ 6.04pm
@HyungJun87형준아~~~~ㅋㅋ ^^수고했어!!!
@HyungJun87 HyungJun-ah~~~~keke ^^Thanks for the hard work!!!
2010-11-09 @ 4.32pm
@Steven_Lee_ kekekeke Did I posted this photo?
2010-11-09 @ 3.43pm
@HyungJun87마주보구 트윗하기 ㅋㅋ
@HyungJun87 Facing each other and tweeting keke

2010-11-09 @ 2.23pm
@HyungJun87제꺼도 좀 챙겨주세요~
@HyungJun87 Please also leave some for me~
2010-11-09 @ 2.17pm
맛있는과자 다섯개,
5 pieces of delicious cookies,

2010-11-09 @ 10.10am
@Steven_Lee_ㅎㅎ 형 귀여운데요?!!^^ 아 ㅠ 또 생각나는군요 재미있었는데~~흑 그땐 정말더웠는데~ 형 한국은 정말추워요 ㅠ !!
@Steven_Lee_ Heehee Hyung, but it's cute?!!^^ Ah TT Made me think of it again. It was fun~~Heuk It was really hot that time~ Hyung, it is really cold in Korea TT !!
2010-11-09 @ 10.10am
@Steven_Lee_ㅎㅎ 형 귀여운데요?!!^^ 아 ㅠ 또 생각나는군요 재미있었는데~~흑 그땐 정말더웠는데~ 형 한국은 정말추워요 ㅠ !!
@Steven_Lee_ Heehee Hyung, but it's cute?!!^^ Ah TT Made me think of it again. It was fun~~Heuk It was really hot that time~ Hyung, it is really cold in Korea TT !!
=Steven_Lee_= 2010-11-09 @ 8+am @2kjdream@mystyle1103얘들아 이거 웃기다 ㅋㅋ 근데 우리사진 퍼진거야?-_-;; 난 5:5가르마군 -_-; ㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ @2kjdream@mystyle1103 Hey kids, this is funny keke So our photo is being spreaded around? -_-;; I have a 5:5 (hair) parting -_-; keke ㅠㅠ

2010-11-09 @ 5+am
@zerotic0124 At this hour?ke
*In reply to:
=zerotic0124= 2010-11-09 @ 5+am 놀자 Let's play
2010-11-09 @ 1+am
라디오 생방송 실시간! 5분전~~^^
Realtime radio live broadcast! 5 minutes prior~~^^
2010-11-09 @ 1+am
@HyungJun87그건 이미 리스트 우선순위에 들어있네...^^
@HyungJun87 That has been already listed in my priority list...^^
2010-11-09 @ 1+am
@JenniferPark318뮤지컬 "카페인" 강추
@JenniferPark318 Strongly recommend muscial "Cafe in"
the children is very good