Please repost with full credit
=Steven Lee=
2010-11-10 @ 11.59pm
@mystyle1103 시골이면 외롭고 심심할거야 ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 If it's at the outskirts, it will be lonely and boring keke
2010-11-10 @ 11.27pm
@JungMin0403 완전 귀엽다! 라핑이 아이들!!
@JungMin0403 Totally cute! Lappin's children!!
2010-11-10 @ 11.27pm
저 아빠되었어요!
I became a father!

*MiniUFO: Congratulations! Lappin appa~
2010-11-10 @ 10.16pm
@musicalcafein 난 팔로우 안해줘요?! 왜그래요 형준이만 챙기는군 ㅠㅠ
@musicalcafein Why didn't you follow me?! Why. You only take care of HyungJun ㅠㅠ
2010-11-10 @ 9.56pm
@mystyle1103 ㅋㅋ히사시부리~~ 니혼니 기타라 잇쇼니 타베니 이코~~ 하야쿠 코이!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!수달ㅋㅋ
@mystyle1103 ㅋㅋ Long time no see~~ Come to Japan and we go to eat together~~ Quickly come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Sudalㅋㅋ
2010-11-10 @ 9.21pm
@mystyle1103 다들. 자꾸노려~~ 우잉~~~ 작업실있으면서~~ 자꾸들. 노려~~
@mystyle1103 Everyone. Is always after it~~ Ooing~~~ With a production room~~ over and over again. After it~~~~
2010-11-10 @ 9.20pm
@2kjdream 노리지마라~~~ㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Stop going after it (the room)~~~kekeke~~~ㅋㅋㅋ
2010-11-10 @ 8.46pm
열심히 하고있다 !
I am working hard !
2010-11-10 @ 5.32pm
@2kjdream 우잇~!!
@2kjdream ooiit~!!
2010-11-10 @ 5.32pm
@woosangil 오이시소~~~샤부샤부타베따이나~
@woosangil Looks delicious~~~ I wish to eat Shabu Shabu~
*Mini UFO: YoungSaeng use korean character to form this japanese sentence
In response to:
2010-11-10 @ 11.55am
しゃぶしゃぶ なう〜ハートの形の中身はヒアルロン酸!鍋の中身はコラーゲンと薬膳!! 女性には嬉しい組み合わせ(*^^*)
It is shabu shabu~ In the heart shape is Hylauronic acid! In the pot is collagen and herbs!! Combination that will make ladies happy(*^^*)
It is shabu shabu~ In the heart shape is Hylauronic acid! In the pot is collagen and herbs!! Combination that will make ladies happy(*^^*)

2010-11-10 @ 5.00pm
@woongcha1 @Steven_Lee_ 나도나도~~ㅋㅋ나도그런작업실을장만하구싶다앙~~~~ㅋ
@woongcha1 @Steven_Lee_ @woongcha1@Steven_Lee_ Me too me too~~keke I also want to buy such a production room~~~~ke
2010-11-10 @ 5.00pm
@woongcha1 @Steven_Lee_ 나도나도~~ㅋㅋ나도그런작업실을장만하구싶다앙~~~~ㅋ
@woongcha1 @Steven_Lee_ @woongcha1@Steven_Lee_ Me too me too~~keke I also want to buy such a production room~~~~ke
2010-11-10 @ 5.00pm
@woongcha1 저도같이써도될까요?!!! ㅎㅎㅎ
@woongcha1 Can I use together with you?!!!heeheehee
2010-11-10 @ 5.00pm
Everyone!! Work hard with your best!! JungMin
*MiniUFO: Thanks Syalalala@Quainte501 for translation
2010-11-10 @ 5.00pm
ジョンミンです。ちょっと寄りました。皆、頑張ってるから 僕ももっともっと頑張る。さよなら。
It's JungMin. I dropped in for a bit. Everyone is working hard so I will work even harder. Bye.
*MiniUFO: Thanks Syalalala@Quainte501 for translation
2010-11-10 @ 11.47am
@Steven_Lee_스티븐~ 구석에 형. 방도. 어떻게. 하나. 안될까~~ㅋㅋㅋ
@Steven_Lee_Steven~ at a remote place hyung. Room too. How. Have one. Can I~~keke
*XiaoChu: Looking at kyu's tweet, I think he is asking to have 1 room from Steven
2010-11-10 @ 10.07am
미 국 캘리포니아 시골 조용한곳에 작업실을 하나 꾸며볼까 생각중입니다. 마스터룸엔 당연 음악장비. 다른방엔 운동기구 가져다놓고, 또다른방은 읽고싶은 책들 쌓아두고 독서실을 만들고싶어요. 몇년째 구상'만'하고있는데 역시 또 주책인가 싶기도 하고...;;;
I am considering having a production room in the outskirts of California USA. Music equipments are of course in master room. Put exercise equipments in other rooms, store another room with books I want to read and make it into a reading room. I have that idea 'only' for few years now, indeed I'd like to be a fool again...;;;
2010-11-10 @ 10.07am
미 국 캘리포니아 시골 조용한곳에 작업실을 하나 꾸며볼까 생각중입니다. 마스터룸엔 당연 음악장비. 다른방엔 운동기구 가져다놓고, 또다른방은 읽고싶은 책들 쌓아두고 독서실을 만들고싶어요. 몇년째 구상'만'하고있는데 역시 또 주책인가 싶기도 하고...;;;
I am considering having a production room in the outskirts of California USA. Music equipments are of course in master room. Put exercise equipments in other rooms, store another room with books I want to read and make it into a reading room. I have that idea 'only' for few years now, indeed I'd like to be a fool again...;;;
2010-11-10 @ 2.23am
I posted 3 photos on Facebook in the album "Working Time"

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