Please repost with full credit
2010-11-24 @ 11:07pm
@orangeheejin 고맙소~ ^^
@orangeheejin Thank you~ ^^
2010-11-24 @ 11:07pm
첫공연 무사히 잘끝마쳤어요, 항상 감사드리고 열심히 하겠습니다.
첫First performance ended successfully, always grateful (to you) and will work hard.
2010-11-24 @ 10:39pm
첫공연 대박치고!! 화이팅~
First performance is a huge success!! Hwaiting~
2010-11-24 @ 10:39pm
첫공연 대박치고!! 화이팅~
First performance is a huge success!! Hwaiting~

2010-11-24 @ 10:10pm
@HyungJun87 무사히 잘 끝냈어요 잘하기도 했구요 이제 쭉쭉 잘해보아요~힘내서 아자아자!!!
@HyungJun87 Ended successfully. You've done well. Now go for it all the way~keept it up aja aja!!!
2010-11-24 @ 10:10pm
@HyungJun87 무사히 잘 끝냈어요 잘하기도 했구요 이제 쭉쭉 잘해보아요~힘내서 아자아자!!!
@HyungJun87 Ended successfully. You've done well. Now go for it all the way~keept it up aja aja!!!
2010-11-24 @ 8:38pm
@HyungJun87 엄청 잘 해낼꺼잖아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ첫공연 축하해~
@HyungJun87 You have accomplished it extremely well kekekeke Congrat for your first performance~
2010-11-24 @ 8:38pm
@HyungJun87 엄청 잘 해낼꺼잖아 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ첫공연 축하해~
@HyungJun87 You have accomplished it extremely well kekekeke Congrat for your first performance~
2010-11-24 @ 7:51pm
@HyungJun87 넌 모든지 잘 할거다.
@HyungJun87 You will do well in everything.
2010-11-24 @ 7:45pm
@HyungJun87 첫공연에 가보고 싶었는데 말이지.... 화이팅하고!!! 담에 동동주랑 응원하러 갈께~~~
@HyungJun87 I wanted to go for the first performance, I mean to say.... Hwaiting!!! Next time I will go and support you with DongDongJoo
2010-11-24 @ 7:45pm
@HyungJun87 첫공연에 가보고 싶었는데 말이지.... 화이팅하고!!! 담에 동동주랑 응원하러 갈께~~~
@HyungJun87 I wanted to go for the first performance, I mean to say.... Hwaiting!!! Next time I will go and support you with DongDongJoo
2010-11-24 @ 7:40pm
뮤지컬 첫공연입니다. 기대해주신만큼 잘해볼께요.
This is the first performance of musical. I will do my best for what you have expected.
2010-11-24 @ 7:25pm
뮤지컬 카페인 오늘 첫공! 김태한 우금지 신의정 배우도 응원해주세요!!
Today is the first performance for muscial Cafe-in! Please support actors Kim TaeHan, Woo GeumJi, Shin EuiJung too!!
2010-11-24 @ 7:25pm
뮤지컬 카페인 오늘 첫공! 김태한 우금지 신의정 배우도 응원해주세요!!
Today is the first performance for muscial Cafe-in! Please support actors Kim TaeHan, Woo GeumJi, Shin EuiJung too!!

2010-11-24 @ 10:10pm
쌀 20kg면 166명의 결식아동들이 한끼를 해결할 수 있다고 하네요. 감사합니다. 저희 로비에 정이 쌓였네요

2010-11-24 @ 3:30pm
쌀 20kg면 166명의 결식아동들이 한끼를 해결할 수 있다고 하네요. 감사합니다. 저희 로비에 정이 쌓였네요

2010-11-24 @ 1:38pm
카페인 대박!!!! 오늘의 마지막 사진~^^
Cafe-in Daebak!!!! Last photo of today~^^

2010-11-24 @ 1:13pm
오늘은 첫! 공연날~ 꽃보다 형준?!^^ 시즌2
Today is the first! Performance day~ HyungJun over Flowers?!^^ Season 2

2010-11-24 @ 1:01pm
공연장 도착!!!! 이쁜 꽃과 김형준!!! 시즌1
Arrived at theatre!!!! Pretty flowers and Kim HyungJun!!! Season 1

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