Credits : xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
Please repost with full credit
2010-11-22 @ 7.28pm
@HyungJun87 너무 슬퍼하면 너도 내일 힘들테니......
@HyungJun87 If you're too sad, it will be tough for you tomorrow too......
2010-11-22 @ 7.23pm
에휴 너무나 슬픕니다...
Aehyu So sad...
2010-11-22 @ 7.02pm
고인의 명복을 빕니다, 아 슬프다,,,,, 이게 무슨일이야 갑자기..
My condolences for the deceased, ah sad,,,,, What is this thing, suddenly..
2010-11-22 @ 6.54pm
@mystyle1103 kekeke Cos looks funny right?
2010-11-22 @ 6.46pm
@2kjdream@HyungJun87헐 -_-;;;;; ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@2kjdream@HyungJun87 Hurl -_-;;;;; kekekekeke
2010-11-22 @ 6.46pm
@sek0505볼때마다신기해 ㅋㅋ모르고 고개숙여인사했다ㅡㅡ
@sek0505 It's amazing every time I see (you) keke bow and greeted without knowing - -
2010-11-22 @ 6.44pm
@2kjdream@HyungJun87이건또뭐냐ㅡㅡ얘는 여러가지로 놀래키네 ㅋㅋ @2kjdream@HyungJun87 What is this again - - This kid surprises us in various ways keke
2010-11-22 @ 6.39pm
@HyungJun87얘보래요~~~ 메롱~~ 우잉?! http://yfrog.com/6gk9omj
@HyungJun87 Look at this kid~~~ Merong~~ Ooing?! http://yfrog.com/6gk9omj

2010-11-22 @ 1.29pm
ハハハ。楽しみな!ついに 2幕が 始まる!頑張るぜ!!ジョンミン。
Hahaha. Looking forward to it! Finally the second act has started! Will do my best!! Jung Min. *Translation by saylalala@quainte501.com
2010-11-22 @ 1.26pm ジョンミンでした。
That was Jung Min.
*Translation by saylalala@quainte501.com
2010-11-22 @ 1.26pm
皆と 離れ離れなんて 寂しいです。でも きっと また 会えるからね!!今、1幕が 終わりました。最後まで 頑張って!!
Everyone has separated (parted ways) and I miss them. But, we can surely meet again!! The first act has just finished. Until the end, I will work hard!!
*Translation by saylalala@quainte501.com
2010-11-22 @ 1.22pm
今 伸也は 隣で。。。あれ、いなくなった。笑 代わりに ジョンミン君がいます♪ keiより
Right now, Shinya is next to... oh, he's gone. (Laugh) Instead Jung Min is here♪ From Kei *Translation by saylalala@quainte501.com
2010-11-22 @ 1.20pm
今 伸也は 隣で 色紙を 書いてます。字が 汚いです。伸也!!! 韓国からも 応援するから 頑張って!!ヒム!!ジョンミンより
Right now, Shinya is next to me writing autographs. His writing is messy. Shinya!!! Will also support you from Korea, so goodluck!! Cheers!! From Jung Min
*Translation by saylalala@quainte501.com
2010-11-22 @ 11.20am
@cobain999압살라쿰말리꿈~ 후후훗
@cobain999 Apsallakoommallikkoom~ Hoohoohoot
*MiniUFO: Baby ah~~~ can u speak human language instead of alien language~~ ^^
2010-11-23 @ 8.00am
@HyungJun87 공연 스타트 잘해라~ 난 좀 이따 보러가야짓...ㅋ
@HyungJun87 Have a good start for your performance~ I should be going to watch it soon...ke
2010-11-23 @ 2.14am
오늘 형준이는 아침에 뮤지컬연습후... 뮤지컬제작발표회 또연습 그리고.... 라디오생방까지....힘들겠지만 조금만 더 참고 열심히하자^^ 넌! 할 수 있어~ㅋ
Today, HyungJun after musical practice this morning...Musical production press conference, practice again and....Radio live broadcast.... Though it's tough, bear with it for awhile more and let's work hard^^ You! Can do it~ke
2010-11-23 @ 2.11am
오늘 형준이는 아침에 뮤지컬연습후...
뮤지컬제작발표회 또연습 그리고....
Musical production press conference, practice again and....
Radio live broadcast.... Though it's tough, bear with it for awhile more and let's work hard^^ You! Can do it~ke http://c0013553.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/x2_37cad8e

2010-11-23 @ 2.03am
2010-11-23 @ 2.14am
오늘 형준이는 아침에 뮤지컬연습후... 뮤지컬제작발표회 또연습 그리고.... 라디오생방까지....힘들겠지만 조금만 더 참고 열심히하자^^ 넌! 할 수 있어~ㅋ
Today, HyungJun after musical practice this morning...Musical production press conference, practice again and....Radio live broadcast.... Though it's tough, bear with it for awhile more and let's work hard^^ You! Can do it~ke
2010-11-23 @ 2.11am
오늘 형준이는 아침에 뮤지컬연습후...
뮤지컬제작발표회 또연습 그리고....
라디오생방까지....힘들겠지만 조금만 더 참고 열심히하자^^ 넌! 할 수 있어~ㅋ http://c0013553.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/x2_37cad8e
Today, HyungJun after musical practice this morning...Musical production press conference, practice again and....
Radio live broadcast.... Though it's tough, bear with it for awhile more and let's work hard^^ You! Can do it~ke http://c0013553.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/x2_37cad8e

2010-11-23 @ 2.03am
오랜만에 라디오 실시간^^ 라디오 생방 5분전!! 다리는 어딨을까요^^ 마술!!! http://c0013553.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacec....com/x2_37ca9a6
It's been a while time since the last radio real time^^ Radio live broadcast in 5 minutes!! Where is his legs^^ Magic!!! http://c0013553.cdn1.cloudfiles.rackspacec....com/x2_37ca9a6
2010-11-23 @ 1.22am
@Spike1092 ㅡㅡ
2010-11-23 @ 1.19am
@HyungJun87 음....응...그런거 같애 ㅋ어여 자 빨리 자!!
@HyungJun87 um....um... Something like that ke Sleep go to sleep quickly!!
2010-11-23 @ 1.11am
@Spike1092 나의 보이스?^^
@Spike1092 My voice?^^
*in reply to
2010-11-23 @ 12.58am
세상에 가장 행복한 소리들 (@ 강남구 논현동 277-3 번지 W-Sound) http://4sq.com/ddyKqt
The most happy voices in the world (@ Gangnam-gu, Nonhyun-dong no. 277-3 W-Sound) http://4sq.com/ddyKqt
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Green Peas Voices