Please repost with full credit
2010.11.30 @ 9:40pm
우리 뮤지컬 봤어요~^^ "카페인"ㅋㅋ

2010.11.30 @ 9:40pm
우리 뮤지컬 봤어요~^^ "카페인"ㅋㅋ

2010.11.30 @ 5:21pm
@woosangil 잘마치고 일본에서봐요 형 ㅎㅎ ^^!!! 유후~~
@woosangil I will complete it well and see you in Japan. Hyung heehee ^^!!! Yoohoo~~
2010.11.30 @ 4:41pm
@HyungJun87 캄사 캄사!!!^^
@HyungJun87 Thanks Thanks!!!^^
2010.11.30 @ 4:41pm
@TaewanakaCLuv 형자리 하나 마련했음~!
@TaewanakaCLuv I arranged a place for hyung~!
2010.11.30 @ 4:34pm
@HyungJun87 거기가 그 유명한 다단계 크루!!!!!???
@HyungJun87 That is the famous multi-level crew!!!!!???
*XiaoChu: not too sure about this though
2010.11.30 @ 4:21pm
@TaewanakaCLuv HnB로 오세요
@TaewanakaCLuv Come to HnB
2010.11.30 @ 4:20pm
@JenniferPark318 오잉
@JenniferPark318 Oing
2010.11.30 @ 4:20pm
요건 형준군 사인회장면...
This is the scene at HyungJun's fan sign event...

2010.11.30 @ 4:20pm
@90KKB HnB 만세
@90KKB HnB Mansae

2010.11.30 @ 4:04pm
@HyungJun87 춥습네다 ㅜ 오늘 돌아갑네다
@HyungJun87 It is cold ㅜ I am going back today
2010.11.30 @ 4:04pm
@2kjdream 우잉~~!!우잉~~!!
@2kjdream Ooing~~!! Ooing~~!!
2010.11.30 @ 3:10pm
@KoJongHee 고마워~~~!!!!^^
@KoJongHee Thanks~~~!!!!^^
2010.11.30 @ 3:36pm
@90KKB 몽골은 어떤가요 김대표님
@90KKB How is Mongolia, Mr Representative Kim
2010.11.30 @ 3:35pm
@TaewanakaCLuv 헉,,,,
@TaewanakaCLuv Huk,,,,
*XiaoChu: It's like *gasp*
2010.11.30 @ 3:25pm
@HyungJun87 아 만지고싶어
@HyungJun87 Ah, I wanna touch (choco)
2010.11.30 @ 3:18pm
@2kjdream 친구야 팬미팅 잘하구 화이팅~~!!^^*
@2kjdream My friend, have a good fan meeting, hwaiting~~!!^^*
2010.11.30 @ 3:10pm
@jewelry_jjung 팬미팅!!^^ ㅎㅎ
@jewelry_jjung Fan meeting!!^^ heehee
2010.11.30 @ 2:57pm
@2kjdream 왜~토욜날모해????ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Why~ What are you doing on Saturday????keke
2010.11.30 @ 2:57pm
저두요 오빠~ 멍멍
Me too oppa~ bowow

2010.11.30 @ 2:56pm
행복한 나날들이 항상 함께했으면 좋겠어요.
Happy days, I wish it will always be with me.
2010.11.30 @ 2:51pm
@2kjdream 규종아!! What up!!! 울 본지 넘 오래 데써 우잉
@2kjdream KyuJong-ah!! What up!!! It has been a very long time since we met ooing
2010.11.30 @ 2:41pm
토요일 !!~~~~~^^ 설레고긴장..!!^^ ㅎ
Saturday !!~~~~~^^ Excited and nervous..!!^^ hee
2010.11.30 @ 2:35pm
@TaewanakaCLuv C-Luv yo!!!!^^ ㅎㅎ wuss up wuss up wuss upwussupwussup~
@TaewanakaCLuv C-Luv yo!!!!^^ hehe wuss up wuss up wuss upwussupwussup~
2010.11.30 @ 2:33pm
@woongcha1 우잉??~~~ !! ㅎㅎ
@woongcha1 Ooing??~~~ !! heehee
2010.11.30 @ 2:32pm
@mastadoo happy doodoo bro!! 오늘하루도 행복하고즐겁게 ㅎㅎ
@mastadoo happy doodoo bro!! Have a happy and fun day today too heehee
2010.11.30 @ 2:25pm
@Steven_Lee_ 형!! 잘지내시죠?~ 예압!!!~ 빨리만나고싶어요~~!!!!!!! ㅎㅎ
@Steven_Lee_ Hyung!! Are you doing good?~ Yeaap!!!~ I want to meet soon~~!!!!!!! heehee
2010.11.30 @ 4:46am 絆の 伴内ちゃんと 愛の 2ショット!! 2 love shots with Kizuna's Bannai-chan!!
*Thanks saylalala @ for translation

2010.11.30 @ 5:21pm
@woosangil 잘마치고 일본에서봐요 형 ㅎㅎ ^^!!! 유후~~
@woosangil I will complete it well and see you in Japan. Hyung heehee ^^!!! Yoohoo~~
2010.11.30 @ 5:19pm
@2kjdream 왜그래~~베테랑이 ㅋㅋ 가서 축하하고 싶었는데,일때문에...ㅠㅠ 새출발 잘해라!!!
@2kjdream Why like this~~ a veteran keke I wanted to go and congratulate (BKK fan meeting), but because of work... ㅠㅠ Do well for your new start!!!
2010.11.30 @ 5:19pm
@2kjdream 왜그래~~베테랑이 ㅋㅋ 가서 축하하고 싶었는데,일때문에...ㅠㅠ 새출발 잘해라!!!
@2kjdream Why like this~~ a veteran keke I wanted to go and congratulate (BKK fan meeting), but because of work... ㅠㅠ Do well for your new start!!!
2010.11.30 @ 4:41pm
@HyungJun87 캄사 캄사!!!^^
@HyungJun87 Thanks Thanks!!!^^
2010.11.30 @ 4:41pm
@TaewanakaCLuv 형자리 하나 마련했음~!
@TaewanakaCLuv I arranged a place for hyung~!
2010.11.30 @ 4:34pm
@HyungJun87 거기가 그 유명한 다단계 크루!!!!!???
@HyungJun87 That is the famous multi-level crew!!!!!???
*XiaoChu: not too sure about this though
2010.11.30 @ 4:21pm
@TaewanakaCLuv HnB로 오세요
@TaewanakaCLuv Come to HnB
2010.11.30 @ 4:20pm
@JenniferPark318 오잉
@JenniferPark318 Oing
2010.11.30 @ 4:20pm
요건 형준군 사인회장면...
This is the scene at HyungJun's fan sign event...

2010.11.30 @ 4:20pm
@90KKB HnB 만세
@90KKB HnB Mansae
2010.11.30 @ 4:16pm
오차드의 쇼핑물 Wisma Atria에서 엘리베이터 기다리다 지난번 형준군 @HyungJun87 싱가폴 왔을때 razor tv 인터뷰 하던 영상이 화면에 나와 인증샷. 사인회장면에선 제 모습도..ㅠㅜ
I was waiting for elevator at Wisma Atria, a shopping mall at Orchard. Here's a confirmation shot of the video of HyungJun @HyungJun87 in an interview with razor tv when he was here last time. Myself at the fan sign event too..ㅠㅜ
2010.11.30 @ 4:16pm
오차드의 쇼핑물 Wisma Atria에서 엘리베이터 기다리다 지난번 형준군 @HyungJun87 싱가폴 왔을때 razor tv 인터뷰 하던 영상이 화면에 나와 인증샷. 사인회장면에선 제 모습도..ㅠㅜ
I was waiting for elevator at Wisma Atria, a shopping mall at Orchard. Here's a confirmation shot of the video of HyungJun @HyungJun87 in an interview with razor tv when he was here last time. Myself at the fan sign event too..ㅠㅜ

2010.11.30 @ 4:15pm
@HyungJun87 그렇군요 어서 들어가겠습니다 여기저기 결제가 많군요 이따봬요 준대표님
@HyungJun87 I see. I will return soon. There are many things to settle everywhere. See you later. Mr Representative Jun
2010.11.30 @ 4:15pm
@HyungJun87 그렇군요 어서 들어가겠습니다 여기저기 결제가 많군요 이따봬요 준대표님
@HyungJun87 I see. I will return soon. There are many things to settle everywhere. See you later. Mr Representative Jun
2010.11.30 @ 4:14pm
@90KKB 김대표님 어서오십시오, 처리해야할 업무와 결제받을일이 한두가지가 아닙니다.
@90KKB Welcome, Mr Representative Kim, there are a good number of work that must be finished and things to settle.
2010.11.30 @ 4:14pm
@90KKB 김대표님 어서오십시오, 처리해야할 업무와 결제받을일이 한두가지가 아닙니다.
@90KKB Welcome, Mr Representative Kim, there are a good number of work that must be finished and things to settle.
2010.11.30 @ 4:04pm
@HyungJun87 춥습네다 ㅜ 오늘 돌아갑네다
@HyungJun87 It is cold ㅜ I am going back today
2010.11.30 @ 4:04pm
@2kjdream 우잉~~!!우잉~~!!
@2kjdream Ooing~~!! Ooing~~!!
2010.11.30 @ 3:10pm
@KoJongHee 고마워~~~!!!!^^
@KoJongHee Thanks~~~!!!!^^
2010.11.30 @ 3:36pm
@90KKB 몽골은 어떤가요 김대표님
@90KKB How is Mongolia, Mr Representative Kim
2010.11.30 @ 3:35pm
@TaewanakaCLuv 헉,,,,
@TaewanakaCLuv Huk,,,,
*XiaoChu: It's like *gasp*
2010.11.30 @ 3:30pm
@90KKB @HyungJun87 기범이 형준이랑 사이기 좋그나!! 서로 만지는 사이야?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 넝담 !!
@90KKB @HyungJun87 So KiBum and HyungJun's relationship is good!! A relationship where you touch each other?? kekekeke Just joking !!
2010.11.30 @ 3:30pm
@90KKB @HyungJun87 기범이 형준이랑 사이기 좋그나!! 서로 만지는 사이야?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 넝담 !!
@90KKB @HyungJun87 So KiBum and HyungJun's relationship is good!! A relationship where you touch each other?? kekekeke Just joking !!
2010.11.30 @ 3:25pm
@HyungJun87 아 만지고싶어
@HyungJun87 Ah, I wanna touch (choco)
2010.11.30 @ 3:18pm
@2kjdream 친구야 팬미팅 잘하구 화이팅~~!!^^*
@2kjdream My friend, have a good fan meeting, hwaiting~~!!^^*
2010.11.30 @ 3:10pm
@jewelry_jjung 팬미팅!!^^ ㅎㅎ
@jewelry_jjung Fan meeting!!^^ heehee
2010.11.30 @ 2:57pm
@2kjdream 왜~토욜날모해????ㅋㅋ
@2kjdream Why~ What are you doing on Saturday????keke
2010.11.30 @ 2:57pm
저두요 오빠~ 멍멍
Me too oppa~ bowow

2010.11.30 @ 2:56pm
행복한 나날들이 항상 함께했으면 좋겠어요.
Happy days, I wish it will always be with me.
2010.11.30 @ 2:52pm
@2kjdream 요요요~~규규규 브로 건강하고 맑고 자신있게~~!ㅋㅋㅋ즐겁게~~ㅋㅋ고고고~!
@2kjdream yoyoyo~~KyuKyuKyu bro stay healthy and pure and confident~~!kekeke Enjoy~~keke Go Go Go~!
2010.11.30 @ 2:52pm
@2kjdream 요요요~~규규규 브로 건강하고 맑고 자신있게~~!ㅋㅋㅋ즐겁게~~ㅋㅋ고고고~!
@2kjdream yoyoyo~~KyuKyuKyu bro stay healthy and pure and confident~~!kekeke Enjoy~~keke Go Go Go~!
2010.11.30 @ 2:51pm
@2kjdream 규종아!! What up!!! 울 본지 넘 오래 데써 우잉
@2kjdream KyuJong-ah!! What up!!! It has been a very long time since we met ooing
2010.11.30 @ 2:41pm
토요일 !!~~~~~^^ 설레고긴장..!!^^ ㅎ
Saturday !!~~~~~^^ Excited and nervous..!!^^ hee
2010.11.30 @ 2:35pm
@TaewanakaCLuv C-Luv yo!!!!^^ ㅎㅎ wuss up wuss up wuss upwussupwussup~
@TaewanakaCLuv C-Luv yo!!!!^^ hehe wuss up wuss up wuss upwussupwussup~
2010.11.30 @ 2:33pm
@woongcha1 우잉??~~~ !! ㅎㅎ
@woongcha1 Ooing??~~~ !! heehee
2010.11.30 @ 2:32pm
@mastadoo happy doodoo bro!! 오늘하루도 행복하고즐겁게 ㅎㅎ
@mastadoo happy doodoo bro!! Have a happy and fun day today too heehee
2010.11.30 @ 2:29pm
@soulfulhan ma bro !! miss u~~ 패밀리빨리뭉쳐야죠 형 ㅎㅎ !! ~ 감기조심하시구요!! ~
@soulfulhan ma bro !! miss u~~ Family must come together soon, hyung heehee !!~ Please be careful of flu!!! ~
2010.11.30 @ 2:29pm
@soulfulhan ma bro !! miss u~~ 패밀리빨리뭉쳐야죠 형 ㅎㅎ !! ~ 감기조심하시구요!! ~
@soulfulhan ma bro !! miss u~~ Family must come together soon, hyung heehee !!~ Please be careful of flu!!! ~
2010.11.30 @ 2:25pm
@Steven_Lee_ 형!! 잘지내시죠?~ 예압!!!~ 빨리만나고싶어요~~!!!!!!! ㅎㅎ
@Steven_Lee_ Hyung!! Are you doing good?~ Yeaap!!!~ I want to meet soon~~!!!!!!! heehee
2010.11.30 @ 2:25pm
@jewelry_jjung ㅎㅎ 밤되면추워질지모르니까 ~~^^ 감기조심하세요!!! ~
@jewelry_jjung heehee Because I don't know how cold it will be when night falls ~~^^ Please be careful of flu!!! ~
2010.11.30 @ 2:25pm
@jewelry_jjung ㅎㅎ 밤되면추워질지모르니까 ~~^^ 감기조심하세요!!! ~
@jewelry_jjung heehee Because I don't know how cold it will be when night falls ~~^^ Please be careful of flu!!! ~
2010-11-30 @ 10:41am
@JungMin0403 오케바리~~ 날추운데 감기조심하고!!! 신사동호랑이님한테 안부도 듣곤했네 ㅋ!!! 화이링~~
@JungMin0403 Okaybuddy~~ The days are cold so take care not to catch a cold!!! Also heard (greetings) from Shinsadong Tiger too ke!!! Hwairing~~
2010-11-30 @ 10:41am
@JungMin0403 오케바리~~ 날추운데 감기조심하고!!! 신사동호랑이님한테 안부도 듣곤했네 ㅋ!!! 화이링~~
@JungMin0403 Okaybuddy~~ The days are cold so take care not to catch a cold!!! Also heard (greetings) from Shinsadong Tiger too ke!!! Hwairing~~
2010.11.30 @ 4:46am 絆の 伴内ちゃんと 愛の 2ショット!! 2 love shots with Kizuna's Bannai-chan!!
*Thanks saylalala @ for translation

2010.11.30 @ 4:31am
これは calendarの 撮影の時!!!お楽しみに!!! 僕すら 感動しちゃってる~どうしよう!!
This is the time when I was at the calendar shooting!!! Please look forward to it!!! Even I was completely touched~ what do I do?!!!
*Thanks saylalala @ for translation
2010.11.30 @ 4:31am
これは calendarの 撮影の時!!!お楽しみに!!! 僕すら 感動しちゃってる~どうしよう!!
This is the time when I was at the calendar shooting!!! Please look forward to it!!! Even I was completely touched~ what do I do?!!!
*Thanks saylalala @ for translation

2010.11.30 @ 3:59am
완전 깜짝놀랐습니다. 일본 사진집이 너무 잘나와서...완전 깜짝놀랐습니다... 정민이가...만약...연예인이 아니였다면 어떤 모습일까? 아침에 일어나서 출근하고 일하는 평범한 나의 모습...ㅎㅎ 정말 이럴까?ㅎㅎ 나도 궁금궁금..^^
I was completely surprised. The Japanese photobook came out well... was completely surprised... Jung Min... if... he wasn't a celebrity what would it be like? Waking up in the morning, going to work and working ordinarily would be my look... hehe is it really like this? hehe I have also wondered..^^
*Thanks saylalala @ for translation2010.11.30 @ 3:59am
완전 깜짝놀랐습니다. 일본 사진집이 너무 잘나와서...완전 깜짝놀랐습니다... 정민이가...만약...연예인이 아니였다면 어떤 모습일까? 아침에 일어나서 출근하고 일하는 평범한 나의 모습...ㅎㅎ 정말 이럴까?ㅎㅎ 나도 궁금궁금..^^
I was completely surprised. The Japanese photobook came out well... was completely surprised... Jung Min... if... he wasn't a celebrity what would it be like? Waking up in the morning, going to work and working ordinarily would be my look... hehe is it really like this? hehe I have also wondered..^^
2010.11.30 @ 3:57am
@WarrenBONBOO 형~삼실 놀러갈께잉^0^ 여기저기 바쁜모양이네~ !! 힘내궁~ 동동주아자씨도 안부전해주쇼잉.ㅋㅋ
@WarrenBONBOO Hyung~ I will go to your office to play ^0^ Looks like you're busy everywhere~ !! Keep it up~ Please say hi to Dongdongju uncle for me. keke
2010.11.30 @ 3:57am
@WarrenBONBOO 형~삼실 놀러갈께잉^0^ 여기저기 바쁜모양이네~ !! 힘내궁~ 동동주아자씨도 안부전해주쇼잉.ㅋㅋ
@WarrenBONBOO Hyung~ I will go to your office to play ^0^ Looks like you're busy everywhere~ !! Keep it up~ Please say hi to Dongdongju uncle for me. keke
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